Note: This feature is available in SpatialKey Client for Windows applications, i.e., Map Analyst, Hazard Analyst and Accumulations. SpatialKey offers filtering based on proximity to a specified address. To set this up, simply add a custom circle shape to your map by adding a new Shape Layer. Click the icon in the Layer Manager, then select Custom […]
Mapping and Visualization Topics
Synchronizing Filters Across Datasets
Note: This feature is available in SpatialKey Client for Windows applications, i.e., Map Analyst, Hazard Analyst and Accumulations. Use synchronized filters to filter multiple datasets with a single filter pod. Synchronized filters work in dashboards where multiple datasets have been added. Once a synchronization is set up, any filters applied to the selected dataset/column combination will […]
Using Fields From a Joined Dataset
Note: This feature is available in SpatialKey Client for Windows applications, i.e., Map Analyst, Hazard Analyst and Accumulations. One of the many ways to filter your data is to filter based on a joined field. Maybe you joined two point datasets together to enhance them with each other’s fields; or maybe you joined your point dataset with […]
Summarize Data With the Unique Value List
Note: This feature is available in SpatialKey Client for Windows applications, i.e., Map Analyst, Hazard Analyst and Accumulations. SpatialKey’s Unique Value List pod provides a list of all unique values for fields in your dataset. Add a unique value list pod from the dataset configuration panel. Select a column to group your data by as […]
Thematic Map Bins
Note: This feature is available in SpatialKey Client for Windows applications, i.e., Map Analyst, Hazard Analyst and Accumulations. Thematic Polygon renderings, also known as Choropleth maps, use binning methods to determine how to color the polygons. Each shape is placed into a certain color “bin” that represents a range of values with a goal of […]